
WhatisMicrosoftPrivateFolder?MicrosoftPrivateFolder1.0isautilityforWindowsXPuserstoprotecttheirprivatedataonacomputerthatothers ...,Italloweduserstoprotectprivatedatainapasswordprotectedfoldercalled'MyPrivateFolder'intheuser'saccount.MicrosoftPrivateFolder.Private ...,MicrosoftPrivateFolderisafreesecurityapplicationthatenablesyoutoprotectpersonalinformationfoundonyourcomputer.,2014年1月18日—對...

Access Problems to Microsoft Private Folder

What is Microsoft Private Folder ? Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 is a utility for Windows XP users to protect their private data on a computer that others ...

Microsoft Private Folder

It allowed users to protect private data in a password protected folder called 'My Private Folder' in the user's account. Microsoft Private Folder. Private ...

Microsoft Private Folder

Microsoft Private Folder is a free security application that enables you to protect personal information found on your computer.

Microsoft Private Folder - 微軟出產加密工具

2014年1月18日 — 對於與朋友、同事、家人分享同一台電腦的使用者而言,這無疑是一項便利的工具,還可透過加密演算法保護自己的檔案,即使他人以獨特方法複制My Private ...

Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 uninstall

2010年12月20日 — Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 is third party software. You will have to contact the software vendor to get assistance on uninstalling it. However ...

microsoft private folder 1.0 中文文章資訊整理

Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 透過友善的介面,能讓您輕易上手,它與Windows 系統密切整合,並使用高安全性的加密演算法,大大地加強資料的 ... UBLink技術團隊討論 ...

Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 繁體中文版

2015年3月18日 — Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 繁體中文版- 個人隱私上鎖資料夾. 微軟推出的資料夾保護工具- Microsoft Private Folder,不管是什麼人開啟這個受保護 ...

Microsoft Private Folder Download Free

2006年7月6日 — Download Microsoft Private Folder - Protect your private data when your friends, colleagues, kids or other people share your PC or account.

Private Files

2022年7月28日 — Private files creates a locked folder on your computer for itself. You can then use it to copy files in to keep them from prying eyes. Even if ...


